Climate Action Plan (English)
Climate Action Plan 2030
This plan, developed through comprehensive collaboration, outlines a strategic path to achieve climate action goals, reflecting Waterways Ireland’s role as a guardian of cross-border heritage assets.
This Plan is a culmination of extensive internal and external engagement and sets out a clear roadmap for our climate action ambitions. As the North-South Cooperation Body responsible for vital shared heritage assets that stretch across the island of Ireland, Waterways Ireland has both an opportunity and a responsibility to be at the forefront of climate action. Our Climate Action Plan details the approach we will take to achieve these targets and the seven objectives essential to delivering on our corporate ambition.
The first two objectives are centred on people and processes, setting out how we will deliver through collaboration and engagement, and by leveraging our asset and resource management systems. The remaining five objectives focus on delivering across climate mitigation and climate adaptation. These integrated objectives align with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). We look forward to engaging with our stakeholders throughout the life of the Plan and sharing the knowledge and successes we achieve along the way.
The Waterways Ireland Climate Action Plan is not required by legislative, regulatory or administrative provision and consequently is a non-statutory plan, therefore SEA can be screened out. However, given the remit of Waterways Ireland and the waterways, aspects of the assets we manage, our contribution to the areas in which we are located, and the intention of the Climate Action Plan to influence the way that Waterways Ireland undertake those management duties, further assessment of the requirement for SEA has been undertaken by Cunnane Stratton Reynolds Ltd. Whilst the Climate Action Plan will promote and support climate action to decrease emissions and increase efficiencies in organisational operations and practices it does not set down the location, size or operating conditions of physical development or activities. View the Screening Report.
The requirement to carry out an Appropriate Assessment (AA) comes from Article 6 (3) of the Habitats Directive. The process aims to determine whether a plan or project, alone or together with other plans and projects, is likely to have significant effects on a European site(s). The Waterways Ireland network of navigations are adjacent to, or designated as part of, or are hydrologically connected to the Natura 2000 network and therefore the potential of the Climate Action Plan, either alone or in combination with other plans or projects, may give rise to effects on European sites that must be assessed. The Key Results of the Climate Action Plan are absent of exact geographical location(s), scale and extent of a physical development or activity, and therefore they do not give rise to physical impact that can be reasonably assessed to have significant effect on the qualifying interests of European sites as part of Natura 2000 network. Having regard to the foregoing, it was concluded by Cunnane Stratton Reynolds Ltd. after preparing an AA Screening Report that there is no requirement to progress to Appropriate Assessment (AA) as the Climate Action Plan either alone, or in combination with other plans, is unlikely to have significant effects on the qualifying interests of European sites part of Natura 2000. View the Screening Report.
Climate Action Plan 2030
SEA Screening
Climate Action Plan (As Gaelige)
AA Screening